Tuesday, May 17, 2011

a time before you...

I sit at the table here and think about the time before you....
the first spring we liven in this house we did not have the flowers we have now,  yea we had a few here and there.

 We had the roses the iris's and some of the tulips ... but Mama and Papa didnt really know what was a flower and what was a weed. So , to make yard work fun that year and to learn what to keep and what to pull out we called up our moms (you know them as Grammy Diane and Grammy Betty) and we played a game. A game we made up called Weed/flower.... and yea it was still yard work and it was hot and messy and their were bugs and spiders and yuck... but it was fun.

  Days like that are such good memories to have! I remember seeing Papa on the back wall trying to cut down branches and dig out some iris ,He was a yell-in and sweating getting so sunburned , and on top of that he almost fell a few times. just thinking of it I smile! In the end we ended up with a wonder full yard but most of all a wonderful memory! I truly hope that we can create wonderful memories like that together!!

forever, forever,



Monday, May 16, 2011


April showers bring May flowers....
and boy did we get May flowers!

No flower in the world compares to
How pretty you are!

Love you Always ,

Monday, May 9, 2011

May Days

May days have come but we cant enjoy may days with out remembering all our April days

Mama turned 31 eeeekkkkk
YOU well just keep on growing, you want to wear skirts and when Ido get you in jeams they are to short!!
you love to ski and dance and sing.... who knows what you will love five years ... but for now here is what you love!
love you Lu-Lu