Sunday, December 26, 2010

december 25 th

Merry Christmas My lil one . You have been such a trooper the last few days, going from onr house to the next . getting gifts to just be packed up again in 20 min to move to the next house....

Santa ( the spirit of Christmas) came late Christmas eve as you laid cuddled in bed with Grammy, we left him cookies , an orange, and beer. I believe all three were enjoyed :) and for you He left , a scooter. a DSi game thing with games, a barbie, toy story 1-3 and a mr potato head(classic) treats and one of the things you asked for over and over again.....ring-a-ding-ding By Frank Santra!!!! all you ever told any one you wanted. ( It made you supper happy, we listened to it all day!) than we went to Grammy house where received a small singer thing, and mama got some smell good stuff.
we also together got a video of Papa on it..... Perfect.... and the list goes on and on.

Threw all that and dinner at Eastern Winds u were an angel! you ate good food with your smacks and had a smile for every one!!!

I love you my Christmas angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always and forever Your Mama

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is comming....

so Christmas is coming and u have been so stinking cute about it!! we went to Berkeley early this month to visit Michelle, Susan And Alex and had so much fun! we went to Tildin Park went to the mary-go-round and went to see Santa. ( you were so happy about seeing him and than when it came down to it NO WAY i had to hold you)

All you have asked for is "ring a ding ding, By Frank Santra" Who would have ever known ... not toys not clothing and I'm so happy u didn't want shoes!!!

trees in the house have come and gone! but what an adventure I am having with you Lu-lu