Friday, July 30, 2010


  • dishes are not done!!

  • clean cloths are still in clean piles.

  • dog hair is slowly accumulating in the corners

  • Wet cloths are in the wash

  • don't even get me started on the mess in my car ARRGGGGG

so here is some thing that will matter 10 years from now, here is some thing that will be a memory for lil'Lu-lu forever!!

This is what will matter for years to come fun time out and about and enjoying a summer day
LiL'Lu-Lu we have the best friends and family it makes our life full and fun!!!! the rest of the stuff that needs to be done you ask.........

we will get to it.........someday!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

two of a kind

Although they live far appart here are two of a kind!! They have a ton of fun together, I only wish they lived closer together!!!

from pedicures to build-a-bears.

They will be friends, cousins and I think some day BIG trouble!!!

to My Alex ...... LOVE YOU!!!!!




From Lu-Lu " be o pie o, for Alex AND.....I love you!"


Sitting at home reflecting on what my life has become.... Lu-Lu , House work, Yard work ,make her happy , make me happy ,shop shop shop (bad habit), listen to this listen to that, work, don't work, school or no school.....exhausting.

So I'm having a mental health day. Lu-Lu has some one to play with, a dear friend is at work for me and I'm listing to the soft sound of the ceiling fan and little girls playing happily, sprinklers shifting and spraying the life back into my lawn while I just sit here and reflect. I think of all the things that can be missed as we go at such a fast pace.

the rain falling
fruit ripening in your back yard
watering the lawn
and seeing friendships grow in to sisterhood.

the last of these I am taking the time to watch today. In fact I'm taking in all of the above!!!(minus the rain but sprinklers on the tin roof of my back porch sounds the same with out the muggy air)

Lu-Lu has a few good friends and a second cousin who might as well be her sister(they fight like it and love each other like sisters)well It would almost be like twins... LOVE THEM so much!!But there is something to be said about he never really having a true sister, A big sister.

I love my sister. She is eight years older and so stinking smart it makes me crazy, but she is my sister. I can tell her any thing and I look up to her a lot. when someone is eight years older than you it can be hard to relate.We used to have issues with relating but after Lu-Lu was born and she held my leg up with Pete as I tried with all the strength I had to PUSH that little pea size head out, and than ending up with a c-section, you some how become closer!!! (cant imagine that can you?)

I was always worried about having an only child, and it being a girl only child. I was worried about her not having that relationship with some one, as of today I will not worry any more. She has found her big sister. She isn't someone that was born into our family she is a girl who has just become a part of our family. I have known her seance she was 10 weeks old when her mother put her into the childcare center where I was working. automatically I loved this lil'girl, I also grew to love her whole family. We live less than a block away from each other, her mom(an only child) is like a sister to me. She has held me as I cried about Pete and laughed with me when I talk about our girls. Our relationships have grown from friends to family.

Lu-Lu and Sam Are no longer just friends, Lu-Lu looks up to Sam and Sam in turn protects and teaches like a sister should. Sure they have their fights and they have their days when I'm sure they wish the other would just go home, but all in all they are sisters.

No matter what NO ONE will ever replace my blood sister its a bond that will never be tampered with,but there is some thing to be said for sisters that you can choose!!

For all ages!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

a new furry friend! well for a bit...


That was my first thought when Lu-Lu and I agreed to take on a friends dog (Marley) for a weeks time while they were on vacation.... the first day I was ready to take of running and leave them here.
BTW.... he lives up to the name!!

As the week progressed I found that having two dogs is easier than I thought! They have some one to play with, they have some one to cuddle with and they have someone to bark with...

By the last night I was supper sad to see Him go!!! and so was Roxy ,and, even though a number of times Marley barged into Lu-Lu's room to wake her up early in the morning!! And im talking EARLY!! Lu-Lu was supper sad to see him go!! They all became fast friends and it is a week I will NEVER forget!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

summer fun

Look at her go off and swimming...

No fear, loves to blow bubbles!!

What a wonderful way to spend a summer day ....

Swimming , sun and good friends!!!!

Lu-Lu loves her school friends

All I can say about this is...

To stinking cute!

who knew at 2 1/2 she could have such good friends!!!and this dosent even include he best friends (Sam and Le-le{?})

three little monkeys....
  • hear no evil
  • see no evil
  • speak no evil

Need I say more?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


What a day it is today, here at work blogging when I should be well.... working....

Lil'Lu-Lu earned her first "prize"for potty training.
Two little frogs , they are super cute (as cute as frogs can be!) and are super happy to be in our humble bathroom - where they will remain until Lu-Lu can go for one week with no accidents! The simple fact that she even got them blows my mind!!! Can she really be that big? So much to take in every day, she is changing so fast!! Every one tells you when you have kids "enjoy them, they grow fast" - and they do!They grow really, really fast!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

How our story begain...

Lu-Lu, this is how your Papa and I met....

Papa and I meet at Perry's Egyptian theater in Ogden, Utah. He worked back stage and I worked front of house (someday I will explain that all to you). My boss was the Mom of Papa's high school friend, Matt. One day your Papa was covering for someone that worked with me - it wasn't the first time I had met him, but the first time that I really talked to him or noticed that he had this smile that was just, well, captivating! I had asked him to work for me around New Year's because I had tentative plans to go out of town - he said "sure"- and in that small talk I knew he was someone that I wanted to get to know.

We worked together a lot that month (it had to be about November, maybe October). One show we were working was a HUGE dance program that was pure TORTURE. As the show was winding down I spotted your Papa at the back of the theater looking tense and tired. I made my first move and grabbed him by the shoulders and started to rub them. I told him he did a good job that day and he kept his cool really well. After we had bee together for a while Papa told me that he was so scared and nervous and that his heart was racing. From that time on, I think deep down we both each knew that we had both meet some one special. After the show we sat in the office with the rest of the staff and ate pizza. I remember putting my head in his lap (I never asked what he thought about that, looking back i wish that i had asked) and I remember him clumsily stroking my hair.

(Truly this makes me smile remembering all this)

Papa walked me to my car that afternoon, and he became suddenly bold and asked me for my phone number. I didn't have any paper so I wrote it down on an oil and oil filter receipt. Papa told me later that this impressed him a lot. He said, "Wow a girl that can change her oil by her self! How awesome she can fend for her self.". And I was! I want you to grow and become all sorts of independent and strong!

The next post will be about our first date...(someday you will want to hear all this sappy stuff. Until than bear with me as I enjoy the wild ride to the past and memories that made me, that made us , who we are.)

Lil' Lu-Lu I am so happy to have you. You are the living proof that we had LOVE, and everyone deserves love like we had and still have. Even if Papa is not with us there will always be love, and lots of it!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A letter to Lu-Lu

My lil' Lu-Lu , I wrote this to you on 10/18/09, not long after we lost Papa...

I'm writing this letter with a heavy heart sitting downstairs in a room we built together, watching Papa's Favorite football team (the Bears) play their hearts out. Papa would be down here yelling up a storm. He loved watching football with you on Sundays. You two would be sitting down stairs cuddled up in the couch yelling together. I loved seeing you guys hanging out together, your Daddy-and-Daughter time.

Someday we will sit down together and and share all the memories we have of our family and your Papa - but before I dive into memories I want to tell you that Papa NEVER WANTED TO LEAVE US. He did everything in his power to make it home to us. When he got hurt he had on all the proper gear. He rode our bike with passion, and to make your world a better place. Papa NEVER wanted to see US in pain. He NEVER wanted us to be sad. His brain would have never gotten better, he left us with love and Papa's love will always surround us in all we do - so lets do him proud!!

Your Mama

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gone Fishing

Today was such a fun day!! Grandpa B, Grandma B and I took Lu-Lu fishing! She had so much fun watching the fish chase the hook and jump for food. She was a little shocked to see them flop around when taken out of the water, but the look on her face was priceless!!

When you ask her how big her fish was she holds her hands up as big as she can and says"this BIG"! So Lu-Lu has a new hobby - she says "it is her favorite and awesome". I cant wait to get pictures from today for a memory that will last forever! What a good day!!

We also went to Rainbow Gardens and got her prize for going potty in the big girl potty (it's day four, woowoo!). Lu-Lu has chosen two frogs in a small tank for her potty prize. She is naming them "peace, and a half" like her ("peace and a half" is how old she says she is! LOL), can she be a better kid? I think not.

Papa would be so proud of her. She has grown so much and talks about him often. She says goodnight to him on the moon and keeps blowing him bubbles. Every day is a little different a little better in some ways and a little worse in others.... Gotta keep on going! Keep on making her world happy and real. I'm trying hard to raise a well adjusted Lil' Girl! Hope I'm doing well!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

today is the 4th

Again and again, There is a first every day.

Since October so many things have happened...... Lu-Lu started to talk in full sentences. One day we were in the car and it a sudden realization that WOW I'm havering a conversation with her not just babble and baby talk. When did this happen??

Next I moved her up to a big girl bed ( thank you Uncle Jeremy). Holy cow she is getting big!!

Summer comes fast and Lu-Lu is riding her bike and learning to pedal all by her self!!!! (Thank you to her BACA Aunts and Uncles for the trike)

To top it off, just the other day my lil' one showed me that she can push the button down on the drinking fountain at school.

Now potty training.... first day in Panties only.... can't believe it! When did she get so big?!

So many firsts! I just love being here to see it all. I wish that Pete were here to share it with me, but... he was here for so many of her other firsts. The first smile, first laugh, first trip to Disneyland, first crawl, first steps.. and the list goes on and on.

All these first holidays with our new smaller family unit are hard, but together we can make it Lu-Lu and I are starting our story. I want to always remember the past and what got us to here, but still look forward to what is to come.There will be a lot more firsts, a lot more hurt and hard times but in the hard times will be joy and the knowing that Pete may not be here but he is not missing a thing.
This was Pete's favorite holiday (I miss you my love) and when Lu-Lu came home from the fireworks she said, "they were awesome!". I saw the same spark in her eye that drew me to Pete. Like father like daughter!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

this is a first

So here it goes, my fist blog entry.

I wanted to do this for my Lil' Lu-Lu, a blog about her Mama and Papa our life. Then, as it progresses, add on to tell her about the life her and I are creating in our new (UN-asked for) smaller family unit.

Wish me luck!