Sunday, July 4, 2010

today is the 4th

Again and again, There is a first every day.

Since October so many things have happened...... Lu-Lu started to talk in full sentences. One day we were in the car and it a sudden realization that WOW I'm havering a conversation with her not just babble and baby talk. When did this happen??

Next I moved her up to a big girl bed ( thank you Uncle Jeremy). Holy cow she is getting big!!

Summer comes fast and Lu-Lu is riding her bike and learning to pedal all by her self!!!! (Thank you to her BACA Aunts and Uncles for the trike)

To top it off, just the other day my lil' one showed me that she can push the button down on the drinking fountain at school.

Now potty training.... first day in Panties only.... can't believe it! When did she get so big?!

So many firsts! I just love being here to see it all. I wish that Pete were here to share it with me, but... he was here for so many of her other firsts. The first smile, first laugh, first trip to Disneyland, first crawl, first steps.. and the list goes on and on.

All these first holidays with our new smaller family unit are hard, but together we can make it Lu-Lu and I are starting our story. I want to always remember the past and what got us to here, but still look forward to what is to come.There will be a lot more firsts, a lot more hurt and hard times but in the hard times will be joy and the knowing that Pete may not be here but he is not missing a thing.
This was Pete's favorite holiday (I miss you my love) and when Lu-Lu came home from the fireworks she said, "they were awesome!". I saw the same spark in her eye that drew me to Pete. Like father like daughter!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the positivity in this post. Keep it up! Yes it's hard, but it is what it is and you have to do your best to live every day to the fullest - for yourself and for Lulu.

    PS - Lele closed her eyes for the whole fireworks show.

