Saturday, July 10, 2010

A letter to Lu-Lu

My lil' Lu-Lu , I wrote this to you on 10/18/09, not long after we lost Papa...

I'm writing this letter with a heavy heart sitting downstairs in a room we built together, watching Papa's Favorite football team (the Bears) play their hearts out. Papa would be down here yelling up a storm. He loved watching football with you on Sundays. You two would be sitting down stairs cuddled up in the couch yelling together. I loved seeing you guys hanging out together, your Daddy-and-Daughter time.

Someday we will sit down together and and share all the memories we have of our family and your Papa - but before I dive into memories I want to tell you that Papa NEVER WANTED TO LEAVE US. He did everything in his power to make it home to us. When he got hurt he had on all the proper gear. He rode our bike with passion, and to make your world a better place. Papa NEVER wanted to see US in pain. He NEVER wanted us to be sad. His brain would have never gotten better, he left us with love and Papa's love will always surround us in all we do - so lets do him proud!!

Your Mama

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