Thursday, July 22, 2010


Sitting at home reflecting on what my life has become.... Lu-Lu , House work, Yard work ,make her happy , make me happy ,shop shop shop (bad habit), listen to this listen to that, work, don't work, school or no school.....exhausting.

So I'm having a mental health day. Lu-Lu has some one to play with, a dear friend is at work for me and I'm listing to the soft sound of the ceiling fan and little girls playing happily, sprinklers shifting and spraying the life back into my lawn while I just sit here and reflect. I think of all the things that can be missed as we go at such a fast pace.

the rain falling
fruit ripening in your back yard
watering the lawn
and seeing friendships grow in to sisterhood.

the last of these I am taking the time to watch today. In fact I'm taking in all of the above!!!(minus the rain but sprinklers on the tin roof of my back porch sounds the same with out the muggy air)

Lu-Lu has a few good friends and a second cousin who might as well be her sister(they fight like it and love each other like sisters)well It would almost be like twins... LOVE THEM so much!!But there is something to be said about he never really having a true sister, A big sister.

I love my sister. She is eight years older and so stinking smart it makes me crazy, but she is my sister. I can tell her any thing and I look up to her a lot. when someone is eight years older than you it can be hard to relate.We used to have issues with relating but after Lu-Lu was born and she held my leg up with Pete as I tried with all the strength I had to PUSH that little pea size head out, and than ending up with a c-section, you some how become closer!!! (cant imagine that can you?)

I was always worried about having an only child, and it being a girl only child. I was worried about her not having that relationship with some one, as of today I will not worry any more. She has found her big sister. She isn't someone that was born into our family she is a girl who has just become a part of our family. I have known her seance she was 10 weeks old when her mother put her into the childcare center where I was working. automatically I loved this lil'girl, I also grew to love her whole family. We live less than a block away from each other, her mom(an only child) is like a sister to me. She has held me as I cried about Pete and laughed with me when I talk about our girls. Our relationships have grown from friends to family.

Lu-Lu and Sam Are no longer just friends, Lu-Lu looks up to Sam and Sam in turn protects and teaches like a sister should. Sure they have their fights and they have their days when I'm sure they wish the other would just go home, but all in all they are sisters.

No matter what NO ONE will ever replace my blood sister its a bond that will never be tampered with,but there is some thing to be said for sisters that you can choose!!

For all ages!!


  1. "Friends are the family we make for ourselves."

    Have I sent you that one yet? If not, it's coming in the mail soon...

  2. PS - Love the pic of the shoes.

    PPSS - Yes, you're getting a little crazy with the bad shopping habit. You need to stop that - or, at least, blow your money in the sale areas - you'll get more bang for your buck.
